Summary of Universal History

from the Beginning of the Earth to Moses the Prophet









Day the First.

In the beginning God made the Earth. After He had the Earth made He proceeded to create the Primary Biosphere out of the fusion of Earth’s Crust. During this period, counting on the effect of the distribution of masses upon the surface of a sphere, He gave to the Earth, by bending her Axe, the historical angle of rotation till our days in office.

When the Crust cooled down the continental shields were fixed as a Ring, spinning over and around the Mantle, which in its turn spins around the Core of the Earth. During the Process of the Making of the Lithospheric Ring the tracks of the forces displayed over the surface of the Planet solidified, and we can see those tracks under the Oceans.

In the evening of this First Day the Atmosphere, out of the Crust’s Fusion created, was pushed deep into its sublimation, and the Ice Ring was created. Watched from afar, when the Night came about, the Earth was like a sphere of Ice Rock lost in space. The Ice Ring was covering the Planet from pole to pole.


Day the Second

God broke the Ice Ring in two blocks. Each of them travelling North and South respectively, leaving behind the Waters beneath the Firmament of Heavens. He used the Solar Energy to sublimate the Ice Ring and the Raising of the Feet of the Continental Platforms as a Hammer to break in pieces the Ice Ring already in two Blocks broken.

When the “evening” came about Planet Earth was covered by the Waters beneath the Firmament of Heavens. “The Firmament” is the Secondary Atmosphere created by the defrosting of the Ice Ring. There was Water, Ice and Air, but there was “land” nowhere, except on the peaks of the High Mountains Ranges, which, covered by Ice, gave the morphology of the Ice Blocks at both side of the Mother Ocean a very hyper realistic shape. And then “the night” came on.


Day the Third

The historical expansion of the Globe began. The Mother Ocean gave birth to the historical oceans and seas, and the non-ending raising of the continental Platform kept pushing the Ice Blocks away and out of the Equator regions. During this process of expansion and raising God created the Seed of Life beneath the Waters of the Mother Ocean, and when the Atlantic Ocean was up to the task, the Kingdom of Plants began to colonize the Lands beneath the Sun. As the Day went on the First Generation of Prehistoric Forest filled the Lands beneath the Sun.


Day the Fourth

The Son of God opened His Mouth and raising His Voice He ordered the Stars above the Firmament of Heavens to form in Constellations according to the Picture His Father had shown Him. The stars of Heavens did as they were requested by the Son of their Creator and the Constellational Chart came to be the Highway Roadmap for all the wingy creatures to be created beneath the Firmament of Heavens.

The Night came up and were once there was a mass of stars piled “up there”, now all the sons of God saw a wonderful Thru-Star Clusters Sailing Chart.


Day the Fifth

While the sons of God had been with wide open eyes watching the Beauty of theHeavens, down an under the waters of the Earth a revolution had been accomplished. The Seed of Life jumped from the genetic Structure of the Plants to the Animal’s, and now the Animal Life Three was filling the Waters of the Ocean with all kind of creatures.

Like a Tree whose explosion of life in time of harvest call the creatures to be fed, same way the Tree of Life broke through the surface of the waters, and its branches, full of fruits, clothed with wings, jumped to the open air, by and by colonizing the Prehistoric Forests. The ground were soon filled with nests.


Day the Sixth

The Tree of Life was under the mood of a perpetual explosion. The Kingdom of the Prehistoric Birds gave way to the Kingdom of the Dinosaurs. The New generations brought with them the mark of their primitiveness all over their structures. The younger a Generation, the simplest its structure, and the simplest structures go always with a mega-size. Under the pressure of the Kingdom of the Dinosaurs the kingdom of Birds and the New generations of Life coming out of them retreated back to the Forests.

But the Time for the Kingdom of the Dinosaurs to pass was written. The evolution of the Kingdom of the Plants had never stopped since the Day God created the Seed of Life in the Earth. The chemical composition of the Old Atmosphere, based in the Carbon, was giving way to the New Atmosphere based in the Oxygen, and the Kingdom of the Dinosaurs, unable to adaptation, was disappearing, leaving the World to the Mammals. 

In the meantime the sons of God used to come down to Earth to take back with them the Species born to pass away, to fill the Paradise of God with all kind of creatures. The fathers of Mankind used to watch those divine creatures coming down from the heavens, hunting the creatures of the Valleys and getting away with them.

Suddenly the sons of God quitted their travelling up and down without resting an eye on the fathers of Man, because, anyway, they knew not the branch from which the Intelligent life would come about. It was only when the Son of God said: “Let’s make the Man to our Image”, that the ‘gods’ realize that the king of the Forest, the Anthropos, was the Branch of the Tree of Life created to bear fruit to God, “a son of God”.

God, then, gave to each of His sons a region of influence upon the Earth, this way projecting the Civilizations of His Empire upon the Civilization to be born on Earth. And to all His sons He gave a Law: “Not to open to Mankind the Door of the Science of Good and Evil”.

Day the Seventh

And then God left the Earth in the hands of the ‘gods’.

But before leaving the Earth God took a Man for Himself, to form His Intellect and Soul with His own hand. This took place in Mesopotamia, at the very end of the Neolithic times, about the Millennia Fifth before Christ. According to the general memories of Mankind, during the Paleolithic days the human families conquered the open lands and began to move up and down.

Asia, Africa and Europe were connected by the Bridges after the Deluge broken down, and the movement of human tribes to and fro was only natural; and also was the Bridge between France and Great Britain connected, as we can see from the dispersion of the megalithic culture from Spain to England.

Under the stars of their respective gods the human nations began to learn how to dominate the forces of Nature, cultivate the land and build towns.

The Paleolithic gave way to the Neolithic and the free wandering of the humans all over the open resumed its voyage in space and time around the Rivers of Iraq. Here they shared their knowledge, their own ways of dealing with Nature and gathered around the same fire of love for God and Mankind. They built cities to last forever, and on the way they took the step ultimate step : to form a Kingdom and spread all over the World the goodness to Mankind showed by the Creator of all Men, the God of the gods, the Father of the King of the sons of God.

Yes, no one but God Himself had the Power to choose the Man to be enthroned and lead Mankind through the Waters of Time. And God did so. He chose from the womb of his mother a man, gave him a name, and seal his mind with His own Seal. 

This Adam was born in Mesopotamia, where tribes and fathers of future nations had gathered following the call of the gods. It was more than probable that that gathering of so many families from all over the world came to give birth a New Nation.

When the peoples from Africa, Asia and Europe came together and women and men answered to the call of Love, the Fruit was “a son of Man”. Born to be a son of all-men, blood and flesh of the blood and flesh of all men, the First Man pushed forward the Religion, displacing “the cult of the gods” for “the Cult of God”.

But this process of the building of a Civilization most likely took an entire millennia, the Sixth BC.

The “First Man” enters in History at the end of the Fifth Millennia BC, as a son of the fusion of all the families living in Mesopotamia under the rule of the gods. The First Man was not a Race but the Generation born out of the fusion of the blood of all those Families that met in Mesopotamia in answer to the Call of the gods.

It was just natural that the “son of man” raised his voice to “the Gods”, and that the God of gods made His the man whom He had already chosen to be the King of the Earth.

Because “the Fall of the First Man”, about the Fourth Millennia, the fathers of “the son of man” gave way to their rage, and as peasants pulls out the malignant seed and throw it to the fire, the Fall was followed by a massacre of “the sons of men”. The survivors ran away, some to the Mountains of the North-East, some made their way back to Europe, their Motherland, carrying with them the memory of the Battle between the “gods” in whose spider web men had been trapped till the end of times.

That was the end of the Dream. The Dream of a World Civilization ruled by Love and Peace gave way to a Nightmare ruled by Hatred and War. The Paradise gave way to Hell. Brothers against brothers, fathers devouring their own children, and all of them against the “son of man”, the First Men. And, wonder to all, no one knew how this came about. All they knew is that they had been led to the doors of Heaven and when the Door came wide open all they found coming out was not angels, but demons. Yes, they had been cheated by their gods. They were taken away from their lands of freedom with a promise of more freedom and suddenly they found themselves in cages. 

War, Slavery, murder, perversion, blood drinkers, human flesh eaters, what a Promise land, the kingdom of God on Earth! This chaos filled up the space of time between the beginning of the Fourth Millennia BC and the year of the Deluge, somewhere about the middle of the same Millennia.

The Idea of a World Civilization calling all Men to Divine Brotherhood, giving time to everybody to come, without forcing no one, where God and only God is the Supreme Leader and the Only Ruler, gave way to Man as Supreme Leader, by this Rebellion against God making Crime and Murder the source of Power.

The Justice of the Kingdom of God was pushed away by the Theocracy of the Demons, by whom was delegated in their worshipers the Power to destroy Freedom and put all men on his knees, making the life of men a Hell.

The Ignorance about the Why the Dream was turned into a Nightmare was demolished by the Powers built out of the Fall of the First Kingdom, and was buried under the mountains of the holiness of the New Religions that came to fill the Earth from that day on. And to seal the grave, God, unable to bear no more the vision of His creation in Hell, put an end to it by accelerating the process of expansion of the Globe, causing the Fall of the Hercules Columns, the Bosporus and the Arabian Bridges.





According to Genesis’ statement in the beginning God created no more than it was created and everything that it was created it was good, in every way. Yet Good and Evil are the two faces of a unique science, which makes itself present only to the intelligent eye. A herd of elephants crushing on the run a baby deer it makes no cause for a Court. A gang of human annihilating an entire population to deprive them of their ground resources, it is a cause for the International Tribunal no matter how many men get together to turn the page.

It is obvious that God Kingdom’s meant to carry Man away from the dimension of the Irrational Animal Stage to the Rational Spiritual Being.

Now, projecting the Genesis’ situation to History we may infer that the real cause of the Fall of the World before the Flood it was WAR. God forbade WAR, and against WAR He raised the Death Penalty, and not only for Humans, but for every creature of the Universe.

In this case War meant the rejection of the Peaceful Path God had designed to lead the Human Families to His Kingdom. The First King of Mesopotamia, the Adam of the Genesis, the Alulim of the Sumerian King List, broke with God’s Path and chose WAR as a mean to carry God’s Project at a faster speed. The penalty was Death. From Genesis’ Text we know that the Devil deceived Adam-Alulim when he told him that Holy War is the path to Heaven.

But let’s get back for a while to the days of Adam-Alulim.

The importance of the Sumerian King List lays more than anything else, when related to the genealogy of the Patriarchs, on the fact of setting before our eyes the existence of a human conscience very different to ours. The scholars simply pass the Numbers by and reject the idea of finding any historical meaning in the reigns of the kings. Their blindness, without attacking their cleverness in other matters, was due to their preconfigured way of thinking about Genesis as an “unhistorical” Document.

Beyond the simple fact of a World whose conscience of Time was founded in other basis, the existence of the coincidence between the Genealogy of the Patriarchs and the Sumerian King List brings upon the table before our eyes a relation between Man and Nature absolutely different to that picture for that rational-non-irrational people of the XIXTH and XXTH century, by the scholars painted with total impunity. Rejecting the existence of the End-of-World-Crisis which took place in the Fourth Millennium before Christ and did reshape the geography of the World, the School of Darwin committed a tremendous forgery when trying to reconfigure the History without assuming the change that came out from the “Flood”.

To focus the picture let’s say the Spain was, only two thousand years ago, according to the historians of the Roman Empire, a real forest from Malaga to Barcelona; whoever wants to recreate the life of the Spanish people during the Ancient History has to take this fact in mind, and if anyone comes forward with a History of Ancient Spain where the Spain of today is the ground for the “Argantonius” of the Legends, well… we may feel good talking with a fool as an act of charity, tut no wise man gives a fool any credit.

Same thing happens when we come to talk about the Ancient History.

The Scholars of the XXTH century took for granted that the geological and geographical characteristics of the XXTH Century World it is the same one enjoyed by the Nations Five Millennia ago.

Even not including the effects of the famous Flood upon the surface of the History a man has to be a great fool not to consider the consequences of five millennia, under a perpetual state of war, over the surface of the Earth. We are the destroyer of the Nature. We have been a deadly plague for all the species of the Earth; birds, animals, fish and plants, we have nearly destroyed them all and push all of them to the brink of extinction.

Our wars have destroyed by fire the Forest of the legendary Spain, and so on.

Then, to recreate the History on the other side of the Fourth Millennium before Christ without taking account of this fact, which the scholars of the XXTH Century did, it is a crime against the intelligence of the human being.

To project the Modern Man Criminal Behavior against Nature to the People of the Fifth Millennium before Christ, it is to slave the entire human race to stupidity, and ignorance, and to cultivate in the human being that Fool going hand to hand with the genius, so they say, (and it seems that the idiot have taken the upper hand over after all).

It is a wonder to fools the fact than no tool of WAR has been found nowhere around the Neolithic World; from Harappa to Ubaid all the implements are related to cooking, fishing, hunting and land cultivating; and greater wonder is, against the credit of the scholars, the incapability of the masters of Altamira Caves to make weapons of death and destruction.

The hands that built the Temples of the First Kingdom were human hands, hands mastered by a human brain, and yet, a brain whose natural configuration had nothing to do with WAR.

Taking away from our minds the picture by the scholars of the XXTH Century draw for nations ready to slaughter, we may say that Man, being the last creature to come upon the surface of the Earth, Man grew under a Nature in constant life explosion, and being men of no considerable presence here and there, and living in small families, there was not under state of War.

Humans were few, lived very far away from each other, and food they had plenty. What we see in the Caves Temples of Altamira and alike it is humans acting together in blood and flesh harmony, humans facing a Nature inside whose body they were of infinitesimal weight. A Nature plenty of wild and monstrous creatures, enough strong and ugly to make men run for their life and find for themselves a refuge in the rocks. Men who had no fear and gather together to hunt and mark their territory, freeing their space from the creatures of the valleys. The predominance of humans to the point of making Earth theirs it is a modern phenomenon not apt to be projected to the Fifth Millennium at all.

So, two points are necessary to place in mind when traveling to Adam-Alulim’ days.

1: Nature was rich in all kind of creatures, trees, plants and birds, and

2: humans were few and lived in families.

Once these two points are assumed the real question comes out all by itself: Why those original families left their homelands and began wandering from Africa to Europe and Asia, from India and China to the Middle East, and from Europe to Mesopotamia?

This is the real question that the scholar of the XXTH Century did not want to deal with and have been left for us to be answered.

Once History and Bible came to meet around the Sumerian World, we realize this : the cause in the root of the Fall was the vision of the son of the ANTHROPOS becoming the Living Soul of the Creation of God.

“That Monkey?!” - was the answer to the Wisdom of the Creator of the Universe of those “son of gods”, creatures from other worlds, invited by the Creator of the Earth to come down and participate in the Formation of Mankind. 

Without really wanting it the Science of the XXTH Century felt the same repugnance about the father of Man when the hour came to face the Anthropos, and never ever the scholars dealt with the Inner Self beneath the skin, limiting themselves to treat the Anthropos according to the Exterior Shell; and given that the Anthropos was a Monkey-Like creature his World could not have any human soul at all, “no way”. Their interpretation of the Paleolithic Man is deprived of any connection with the Human Soul. And yet, the people portrayed in the Paleolithic Caves are nor Monkey.

It is obvious that the Anthropos had hair everywhere; the climate conditions of the Paleolithic Times implied a hair mantle as a defense against the life in the open.

Not less irrational behavior, though coming from another angle, was the reaction of the religious bodies about the father of Man. We can feel free to infer that the Devil’s Repugnance against the Anthropos has been a common feature of people’s mind ever since.

To open the picture to its real content, the Anthropos, the father of that Man portrait in the Altamira and twin Caves spread all over Europe, lived in a wonderful world to which it was well fitted by Nature. His standing on two legs made of him a wonder, and all the creatures felt the power of the Anthropos United Family. That picture about “monkey men” devouring each other and without brain it was made, though not conscientiously at all, to serve a purpose: to keep the masses in that state of idiocy necessary to make people jump in the slaughter house, all gladly and grateful to their leaders in the name of …whatever, be a god, la patrie, the revolution, etc. The megalithic cultures all over show us that that monkey of the scholars of the XXTH Century it is an absurd and, if it tell something, it gives account about their level of intelligence, equal to zero.

When we sum up the Intelligent Hands that created the Masters Pictures of the Paleolithic Times to the Strength Arms that built the Megalithic Fortresses of the Neolithic Ages there is not space for any monkey-like creature. We are led straight ahead in the Presence of the Anthropos, the father of Man, the progenitor of Adam-Alulim. To follow the adventure of the Anthropos Families from their places of birth in Asia, Africa and Europe is the real challenge; how they came to meet in the Land of Eden it is a process that we observe from city to city, from India to Turkey, walking by the Millennia Road. At the end of which journey the Anthropos gave way to his son, the Man, as we know it today. It is upon this Man that God set His eyes, called him “son”, opened his Mind to the Future and gave him the Law: “Don’t make War, there is no excuse; whoever declared War will be punished with Death Penalty”.

As yesterday, so today, and Forever.







That the formation of the First-Man Civilization was a process pushed forward by a master direction, leading to the foundation of a universal kingdom, it is a reality which we can see in action, in the human mind, still working even after the destruction of the First-Man Civilization by the Flood. Beyond the incredibility of the duration for the reigns of the personages recorded in the Sumerian King List, there is an astonishing fact lending to the Genealogy of the Patriarch, a coincidence to be wonder at; but besides this coincidence, which tends to open our eyes to the existence of a certain Original and Universal Mind built upon different basis, we find the social structure of the human soul before the Fall : to have survived the disaster. The Sumerian King List show us how the people, after the Flood, following that same track leading from family to empire already undertaken by the fathers of the generation of Adam. 

Let’s assume that after the Flood the repopulation of the Ancient Middle East spaced along a bunch of centuries. The Sumerian King List shows us that during the process of recovery men followed the pattern of natural behavior without any deviation from the law. The everywhere peoples' behavior is this: Families form a tribe, tribes gather around their chief-patriarchs, this patriarchal body elect a king.

This is the behavior we see strictly applied to the first ten names of the Sumerian King List:



After the Flood had swept over, and the kingship had descended from heaven, the kingship was in Kish.

In Kish, Gisur became king; he ruled for 1,200 years.

Kullassina-bel ruled for 900 years.

Nan-GIS-lisma ruled for 1,200 years.

En-dara-ana ruled for 420 years, 3 months, and 3½ days.

Babum ruled for 300 years.

Pu'annum ruled for 840 years.

Kalibum ruled for 900 years.

Kalumum ruled for 840 years. 

Zuqaqip ruled for 900 years.

Atab ruled for 600 years.


We observe that there is no royal succession at all. The elected chief is succeeded by another elected chief, according to the necessity of the circumstances and the imperious observance of the social reality, which, being human a social species, implies a certain inner organization, meaning a State Structure around whose pillars to move on from generation to generation. As a matter of fact we may assume this same process of foundation for the Cities before the Fall, talking about Çatalhöyük, Harappa, etc. The expansion of their generations and time and space and the organization which followed gave way to the Vision of the Kingdom of Man, with a King elected by the “God of the gods”. Unluckily enough the original process did not reach its end, and where there was to be found Peace and Freedom people met Civil War, a fact represented by the biblical fratricide.

Then, when after the Flood the families began to grow and the clans became part of a same and unique tribe, the original process began again, and after a time gone a King was elected, always subjected to the power of the body of the electors. This process will go on throughout space and time all around the Earth. And this is the process to observe again during the re-foundation of Ur III. In this  special occasion we see how the Patriarchs of the different Tribes, the  grand-father of Abraham in the lot, gathering around the flag of one military chief, Utu-khegal of Uruk, under which banner the coalition destroyed the Guti King, Tirigan. Soon after that victory, Utu-khegal’ son, Ur-Nammu, revoked the Counsel of Electors, and he got himself proclaimed king; and to round the circle his grand-son Shulgi raised himself to divinity, causing, without any doubt, the decision of Abraham to leave the city of Ur. Mixing the personality of Abraham and the assumption of divinity by the grandson of Utu-khegal, we may feel at ease watching the revolution already going on in the city of Ur, the princes already counting on the heir of the House of Noah to lead the coup d’état against the family of Utu-khegal.

But to get back to the main line, we see working the same mental scheme past beyond the first ten kings of the List:


Atab ruled for 600 years.

Masda, son of Atab, ruled for 840 years.

 Arwi'um, son of Masda, ruled for 720 years.


Atab broke the body of electors and had himself proclaimed absolute king, this way passing the crown on his son, Masda. Masda made his best to keep the power of the patriarchs of Kish on his hand, and could pass it on to his own son, Arwium.

But Arwium could not follow his father’s war path, and a coup d’etat against him raised Etana to the Throne of Kish. And yet, as it always come to pass, the leader of the  rebels became at his turn the new tyrant, and Etana managed to pass on the throne to his own  scion, Balih. But Balih could not fight back the opposition to his rule and was dethroned by the house of Enme-Nuna.


Balih, son of Etana, ruled for 400 years.

Enme-nuna ruled for 660 years.

Melem-Kis, son of Enme-nuna, ruled for 900 years.

Barsal-nuna, son of Enme-nuna, ruled for 1,200 years.

Samug, son of Barsal-nuna, ruled for 140 years.

Tizkar, son of Samug, ruled for 305 years.


We see coming back the struggle for Power which caused the Fall, the murder of Abell, and, finally, the destruction of Adam-Alulim’s Kingdom.

It is obvious, once assumed the historicity of the Flood that the experience of the Destruction of the First Kingdom of Man was in the minds of the survivors. Beyond the impossibility of maintenance of Civilization away from human society, no matter the circumstances the new generations had to try to keep out of their way the same Future their ancestors had tasted. But the play being already written, the thirst for Power was running deep in the blood of men, and the longer the distance from the Flood the stronger the hunger for absolute Power.

The house of Enme-Nuna managed to get fat during five generations, yet, as we see from the numbers, the decline of the House was already going on, and ended at the feet of the Chief Ilku'u, who was followed by the Chief Ilta-sadum, who as his turn was followed by the Military Chief Enmen-baragesi “who destroyed Elam’s weapons, became king, and he ruled for 900 years”.

Enmen-baragesi was followed in the throne by his son Agga, who was dethroned by Utu, Chief of Eanna City. A circumstance this that open our eyes to the fact that during the centuries immediate after the Flood - which took place sometime around the Fourth Millennium - all over the Land of the Four Regions the people followed a same pattern of behavior.

But what is important to us it is to see how Men, doomed by the Fall, did re-open the Pandora Box of War for Power, which supreme first act ended leading Eanna against Kish, which at its turn had destroyed “Elam’s weapons”. One entire Millennium had needed the families to repopulated the Middle East and “fall” in the Old Trap of the Devil: War Power as the Law of the Nations.




We may infer from the  List, when it says:  In Eanna, Mes-ki'ag-gaser, son of Utu, became lord and king; he ruled for 324 years”, that this Utu was a Chief Leader to the likeness of Utu-Khegal, the Chief Leader of the Coalition of Patriarchs who joined forces to destroy the Guti’s tyranny, and among whom was found the grandfather of Abraham; and this is why Meskiaggser “became lord and king”, in the same way that Ur-Nammu became lord and king after the Victory of his father Utu-Khegal.  

What the List means with “Mes-ki'ag-gaser entered the sea and disappeared” it is a mystery to us, but if we allow ourselves to connect the founder of Uruk, Enmerkar, with Nimrod, son of Noah, scion of a House very much connected with the science of ship building, the “words” can be taken as a connection between the descendants of Noah and the History of Eanna.  Using the logic it is not in vain to admit that if the survivors of the Flood managed to make their way back and, having no tools at all to begin with, step by step they rebuilt the Lost Kingdom, so much for those survivors which escaped the disaster with all their civilized tools and, consequently, had no problem at all to build for themselves a city wherever they love the place.  It is to imagine that being the Bearers of the Knowledge of the Cause of the Fall of Adam-Alulim’s Kingdom, the Powerful Clan of Noah grew afar from their neighbors and, only when the time and the space made  the contact a fact, the Descendants of Noah decided at last to take for themselves what belonged to them, the throne.  

What Elam’s weapon was nobody knows, but it seem probable that the movement of expansion of Kish and Elam, being Kish north of Eanna, and Elam South of it, once trapped between the kings the Eannians, if Eanna be the City of the descendants of Noah, helped the northerners against the southerners to finally blow them both and become the supreme power. Utu, father of Meskiagger, a descendant of Noah, retiring into the sea comes at hand as the way the Chronicles had to connect Utu with the House of the Mythical Utanapishtim.

Again the List opens a bridge between the Biblical List of the Patriarchs and the List of the Sumerian Kings at the feet of the Walls of Uruk. More than nothing else by the tendency of the sons of Noah to accept no king. Excepting the weird case of the disappearance of the Sailor King, phenomenon profited by Enmerkar, whose power anyway, considering that he was Nimrod, the Hunter King, no one could have resisted, immediately after his death we observe the coming of the “divine Lugal Banda”, whose rule of 1200 years, he having being followed by the Fisherman King, who ruled only for one hundred years, show us that the Shepherd was no King but Chief, and his Rule was based not on his Arm but on his Wisdom.

The divine Lugal Banda having being followed by the divine Fisherman Dumuzi, another Chief, it is clear from the coup d’état occasioned by the legendary Gilgamesh, an usurper not of the line of the sons of Noah, whose throne only by murder and oppression, in the line of the tyrants and most cruel despots, could be maintained, and by terror his sons sat in the throne for a while. The List is clear:


The divine Lugal-banda, the shepherd, ruled for 1200 years.

The divine Dumuzi, the fisherman, whose city was Ku'ara, ruled for 100.

Gilgamesh, whose father was an invisible being, the lord of Kulaba, ruled for 126 years

Ur-Nungal, son of the divine Gilgamesh, ruled for 30 years.

Udul-kalama, son of Ur-Nungal, ruled for 15 years.

La-baser ruled for 9 years.

La-Baser, whoever was he, dethroned the line of Gilgamesh, and a new period of Chiefs followed.

La-baser ruled for 9 years.

Ennun-dara-ana ruled for 8 years.

Meshe, the smith, ruled for 36 years.

Melem-ana ruled for 6 years.

Lugal-ki-GIN ruled for 36 years.


The connection between “the divines Lugal Banda and Dumulzi” and Wisdom, allow us to compare the Power of this two “divines” with a Period of Priest-Rule, and it is significant enough to open our eyes to the influence of the House of Noah and the descendants of Set upon the Period in which took place the famous episode of the Confusion of Tongues in the root of the end of the Kingdom of Uruk.




As a matter of fact the Fall of Uruk-Babel, this is to say, the Fall of the new try of men for the universal kingdom, made by all under the rule of the Divines, gave way to a definitive status of Civil War between the cities and inside the cities.

They tried to conquer the gods, to reach from them Immortality, to conquer the Heart of Heaven and gain the End of the War between the gods and men. But the Day was not at hand, and the wisdom of the divines Lugal Banda and Dumulzi, the builder of the Tower of Babel, were not high enough to match the Wisdom of the Builder of Earth and Heavens.

The rupture of the dream caused the disruption of the power of Uruk and with the fall of a central government the struggle of individuals for power became the rule.


Then Uruk was defeated and the kingship was taken to Ur.

In Ur, Mesanepada became king; he ruled for 80 years. 

Meskiag-Nuna, son of Mesanepada, became king; he ruled for 36 year.

Elulu ruled for 25 years.

Balulu ruled for 36 years.

Four kings ruled for 177 years…


Here and there, whether in Ur, Awan, Kish, Amazi, Adab, Mari or Aksak, we observe the golden rule of the struggle for power, without other goal that power for the sake of power. Justice, freedom, equality, fraternity, and ideals alike blow the trumpets or beat the drums of war. Slavery, murder, tyranny, the best man the worst human; only he who reaches the throne become the new divine ruler.

Fratricide, civil war, parricide, nothing stops the hunger for absolute power. The gods forgot about men, they only listened to the bloodiest of humans. Eat human meat, eat your children, serve your daughter to the gods, kill them all, have mercy to no one, Power is the only real thing to live and to die for. Whether  Zizi the Fuller, Ku-Baba the Woman Tavern-Keeper, Ur-Zababa, Lugalzagesi or Sargon, all and every one of them had only one and but one rule: Murder, oppression, slavery, human sacrifice, mercy not even for the dead. The more blood the more happy the gods.

The Bearers of the Knowledge of the Cause of the War between gods and men, the sons of Noah, after the Fall of Babel, when the God of gods had turned his back on them, returned to the silence and the shadows. Only God knew the Day of the Coming of the Avenger, the Scourge of the Devil, the son of Man.

Sargon I the Great, (2335-2279), the builder of Akkad, the creator of a new central government, passed away too. His work, much inferior to the divines’, did not stand its ground when the winds of Hell raged with fury, spreading chaos everywhere. The last of the kings of Akkad cried like a woman for the throne he did not preserve like a man, but where was the man to stand on his feet before the Devil?

Finally the Barbarian of the day, the Gutian, descending from the northern mountains, beast coming up from the seas of Asia, razed to the ground the pride of that Millennium, the Third.


Then who was king? Who was not king?

 Irgigi was king, Nanum was king, Imi was king, Elulu was king; those four kings ruled 3 years. (2193-2190)

Dudu ruled for 21 years. (2190-2169)

Su-Durul, son of Dudu, ruled for 15 years. (2169-2154)

Eleven kings ruled for 181 years.

Akkaf fell, Uruk too; the Barbarians buried the pride and the glory of Nimrod and Sargon.


Notwithstanding, as the tide comes and goes, so the Gutians. From the last king of Urur, Ur-Utu (2130-2124), to the first king of UR III, Ur-Nammu (2113-2095), a single decade, more or less, had gone by. But for what it is transcendental to us, the tide brought back to the stage of History the House of Noah.




Ur Nammu ascended the throne following the same pattern of conduct already seen. The father, Utu-Khegal won the fight against the Gutian and the son profited of it to become king.  How the coalition under this Utu Khegal was formed, after the destruction of a central government and the disruption of the people into powerful clans, it is not a very complex movement to be recreated.

As in any other universal invasion of barbarian with only a purpose in mind, pillage and booty,  also then the disintegration of the central government  reduced the society to its very nucleus, the clan, the most powerful family chief in it becoming the Patriarch, the talking head in the name of all the families of the clan.

In a society like the Four Regions where animal breeding was the source of power, the Clans, now in a wandering destiny, had to defend all by themselves.

A Clan was a society in itself, where the Patriarch was the richest man and the most powerful warrior. The more cattle and herds a Clan had the more warriors it could put on the battlefield. And as those were times of anarchy and chaos a Clan was open to the remnants of another Clan already destroyed by the barbarians, or by any inter-clans enmity, under the rule of feudal law.

The time of the Gutian reign, though very destructive indeed, shows us that they came to have fun but never to settle down. The Guti did not have a regular army, neither an Imperator. They were the Vikings of the day, they arrive, they destroy, they take the booty, and they leave, and everybody happy. The work of pulling down cities from old was not a children game, and the Guti’s blood was spilt also. Once the work was done, there was no space for them to cultivate friendship. If a Coalition of Clans was formed barely could the Guti have the day. And this is what, given the situation of the Four Region after the destruction of the Central Government, it came to happen.

The Clans of Ur, the lords of the day, formed the Coalition born to crash the Gutian Reign. Among those clans was one man, one Patriarch, of the Line of Noah, Terah, and the grandfather of Abraham. The Coalition of the Clans of the Plain chose as military leader Utu Khegal, and under his command the Ururtian Clans won the day. The independence was won. They swept the Region of Barbarians, made Ur the site of the New Central Government, a Government ruled by the Counsel of the Patriarchs, a real body of Electors.

But as the List says and the pattern of behavior till now on let us imagine, the sons of the Chiefs, once peace and freedom reestablished, they would fight for Power.

Ur became the city of Terah, Terah brought forth Najor. In the days of Najor the son of Utu Khegal, Ur Nammu, (2113-2095), smashed all opposition and had himself proclaimed king. Abram was born already and was destined to be the Chief of the Clan of the sons of Noah.

The Clans of the Fathers of the Independence had been overpowered by the party of Nammu, we may say, and had given way, for the moment. But with the deification of Shulgi (2095-2047) the call for revolution could not be restrained longer.

Shulgi went beyond all measure. He proclaimed himself a god. No man in this world, born to be free, may live such madness and do nothing against it.

The rebellion of the Clans of Ur, the son of Najor among them, because the absolute kingship of the house of Ur-Nammu, was a flame in a bottle increasing its destructive power by the oppression under which it was kept, gathered to put down the “god”.

Inferring from the continuity of the line after Abraham was gone, and because the counter-revolution by Shulgi provoked with his “divinity” was aborted, by the son of Noah choosing exile to civil war, the continuity of the house of Shulgi speaks volumes about the power of the son of Najor. We will not deceive ourselves for believing that the son of Najor had the last word, and all the eyes of the Clans of Ur, opposed to Shulgi’s madness, were indeed upon Abram.

This is the more easy to understand when reminding ourselves that the Clan of Najor, under the rule of his son, Abraham, could put on the battlefield enough warriors to face one king, two kings, three kings, for kings, and let’s give him one more to bring sweat on his muscles; five kings and still he was fresh as a morning rose. We see, in the records of the Social Life of UR III that Power was based in the number of head-cattle a man had. The king was, or was supposed to be, the larger cattle breeder in the region. 

To project the foundation of those days’ Power according to the modern days it is to take the reader for a fool. We are talking about days of Iron and Fire. There was no other Law than the rule of Passion.  Man wants something, man takes it. There was no police, not regular army. “Take it, but be sure you are the stronger”, was, so to say, the motto.

Nammu wanted the throne; to count himself the stronger Nammu had to put all by himself, on the field, a certain number of warriors, at least enough men to destroy the Clans one by one. Politics would arrange the lack of numbers. To face all the Clans together, and smash the opposition to his enthronement Nammu had to seed division among the Clans, and justify his imperium to come in the necessity of a central government strong enough to rebuild, and keep, Order and Law. Nammu could not dream the creation of a regular army at the expenses of the different clans of Ur.

As much the kingdom was a tradition among the peoples of Mesopotamia so much the history of revolution against absolute monarchy. To pass the crown from father to son was to dismember the body of electors upon whose free-will the Kingdom of Ur was re-built. And though we’re not talking about dukes, counts and similar feudal lords, a Patriarch was a feudal lord, a Patriarch was the head of a multitude of family clans, all of them families linked to him by divine ancestors and god. The power was in the Alliance of the Patriarchs, and Nammu had run over this body of Patriarchs, when passing the crown to Shulgi, his son, in the name of Politics.

Shulgi took them, the Patriarchs, beyond any limit they could be taken. Shulgi want them to kneel and adore him like a god.

We can see the blood of the son of Najor on fire. The son of Noah, Abram, servant of the God of gods, kneeling before a man! No way!

The blood of the other heirs of the Patriarchs of Ur III was on fire too. Every one of them had an army; every one of them was a power in itself. Indeed Shulgi could destroy them one by one, but he could never dream with winning the day against a coalition of princes led by the son of Najor. Abram, the Bearer of the Truth about the Fall of Man, he would not worship a man, he would not surrender. He would never kneel.

The coup d’état, if we want to call it so, was on the air. It implied civil war.

A man don’t take all alone such a step of self-deification;  and when it does it, there is a powerful party of interest backing his madness. The opposition to Shulgi’s deification had to choose between exile, wandering in the open, living like savages, barbarians without home and country, or raising in arms and fight for their lives.

The opposition to the deification of Shulgi was strong. And Shulgi was ready to fight too. Blood would be spilt. What was the son of Najor’s last words?

Abram was a grown-up man, a warrior like his father and his grandfather, a chief of souls ready to die for God and family. He was, as the heir of the Clan of Najor and Terah, the head of a host. Abram was mouth and eyes of his people. One single word of Abram and a body of warriors would stand the ground to death against no matter whom. Abram was the keystone of Ur Clans’ Counter-Revolution. With Abram’s Clan the number of warrior to oppose the deification of Shulgi would crash the king’s party. Without Abram the revolution would be doomed. He knew it, and everybody knew Abram would never kneel before a man; Abram would enter hell if he had to and take war to the own devil’s house if required, but “the son of Noah” would never live under the rule of a mad man.

The hopes were high and the people were ready, just a word of the son of Najor, son of Noah...

Then it came to happen that...

God called him Abraham, and asked him to leave Ur, to live the life of the savages, and wander like a barbarian without home and country, to bear being called a coward, his name a stigma in the lips of those who were born by his side.

And out he went. The king of Ur breathed deeply. Without the son of Noah the revolution was dead.

The rebels breathed heavily, “There he goes”, they said, “Abraham the Coward: Let him share the life of the savages and the existence of the barbarians”.





The discovery of human habitations in ruins under Istanbul waters brings me back to the creation of the Sea of Marmara during the days of the Deluge.

Historians have as ‘divine’ mission to recreate the Past. That what the personal memory means to an individual that: History means to Mankind. The same pathological effect on full mental power detected in an individual affected by loss of his memory, we detect in a Nation affected of loss of its History. But when instead of recreating the Past historians become doctors of circumstances integrating in his patient a virtual history made to soften the impact of the loss of his memory, in doing so historians recognize their impossibility to enter in the hall of History, and, accordingly, they create a Virtual Memory in the deep of which pages to hide their Ignorance.

However, an individual behaving with a memory not of his own he falls in a schizoid process, and so do nations and Mankind.

We observe Mankind living under suicidal, schizoid circumstances, and we observe the loss of Memory for Mankind as a whole... To relate two as conclusion of one plus one it is a child play, and in consequence am not going to draw further this statement. The matter of fact principle is that by the Deluge the Loss of Memory for Mankind, as individual entity, was signed and sealed.

The effect of a History without a Memory could not be but the bloody civil world war we have been through during these five millennia gone. There is a plus of around eight centuries and a half to add, according to Israel Era, space of time necessary to blow off a Universal Memory created during the Millions of Years it took to God the Making of Man.

Anyway, the Turks have discovered in these days human habitations under the fallen bridge of land dividing the “Yesterday's” Lake of Marmara and the “Today's” Black Sea. The western consequences of the Deluge were: the Fall of the African-European Bridge, giving way to the Gibraltar Strait; and the fall of the Euro-Asiatic Bridge, becoming the Dardanelles Strait on the European side and the Bosporus on the Asiatic corner, which is where the modern city of Istanbul displays its Horns.

With the Deluge the erasing of the Memory of Mankind as an individual, the Man, was finished. The result of this loss of Memory was soon to obey the schizoid law above given, and the new nations didn’t wait much to devour one to another.

While tracing the individual History of the House of Abraham we have followed the growth of this mental distortion along the millennium between Noah and Abraham. Now I take the line from Abraham to Moses.


The Exiled Tribe of the son of Noah.


The vision of Abraham as a citizen of the New Kingdom of Ur, founded by Chief Nammu (2112-2095 BC) upon the ruins of the Fall of the Guti Invaders, it comes all by itself once put face to face the Divine Version of his life with the social and political situation of the Middle East during the days of Nammu. Historians deal with individuals, but History deals with People and Nations. Following this rule the Historians centered the action of the Fall of the Guti in the Leadership of Utu-Khegal, and left in the dark the Coalition of Tribes who elected him to lead the War for Freedom. It was among this Coalition of Tribes and Clans that we found the grandfather of Abraham, Master of the Tribe of Noah, a Clan of Warriors of much wealth without which Power the Coalition could not have won victory. The immense Power of the Tribe of Noah under the grandfather of Abraham we see it again in full display during the War of Abraham against the Kings. To accept the vision of Abraham as a nomad-gypsy hanging around the Mesopotamia of the last days of the Third Millennium before Christ it is to surrender freedom AND INDEPENDENCE OF INTELLIGENCE IN THE HANDS OF A SCHOOL FOR THE LOBOTOMIZATION OF THE COMMON MAN.

Any individual looking those days with his own eyes can see that a wandering tribe, moving from town to town in the midst of a world where the sword wrote the law and to kill was the main sport, only could survive by being backed by a powerful army. In days when only a powerful army could wander from town to town without being exterminated by the kings around, to accept the theory of the Anti-Biblical Historians of the XXth Century it is to beg for a lobotomy.

Not accepting such an act of destruction of free thought, I said in the section before that the Abraham of the Bible was a Prince, tempted to be a king by the self-divinization of Shulgi, the son of Nammu, a crown that Abraham was in the edge to accept when the God of his father ask from him to give up, to go on exile and wander from town to town. If Abraham was stained with the fame of the cowards by the citizens of Ur, the valor and courage that a prince had to show to wander in the wilds of the nowhere lands between the cities of the kings it come in our help to show us that cowardice was not the reason of his exile.

The Historians of the end of the XIXth Century and beginning of the XXth Century while defending Christianity did much wrong to the glory of the Bible. The crossroad in which they found themselves excuses them for it, but we can’t keep on going on a road leading to nowhere. To compare Abraham with a wandering Bedouin was a mistake, and in the comparison their defense of their faith fell very low. The fact that they were British gives us understanding of the why they did not resolve the problem with the accuracy and independence of mind that the problem was in need. British were very fond of Christianity but very much against the God of Christ, and to them AND BECAUSE the Bible was right, God was wrong.

This schizoid faith that British inherited from their particular Reformation led the Great Historians of the British Museum and Cambridge to state that it is God who imitates Man. According to them, Moses’ Law was an imitation of the Hammurabi’s Law, and the God of Moses was an imitation, adapted to the Hebrews, of the God of the Pharaoh Amenophis the Fourth. And so on and so forth.


The days of hunger in the Reign of Mentuhotep III.


But the milestone leading to the exact time of the final entering of the Hebrews, under Jacob and his sons, in Egypt, it can be found revisiting the news of Hungers striking the land of the Nile during the days of the reign of Mentuhotep III (2010–1998 BC). But Keep in mind that with the exact years of the reigns of the different kings and Pharaohs of the beginning of the Second Millennium BC it happens exactly the same that does with the distance from Earth to the star clusters around us, varying from astronomer to astronomer.

We can assume with all certainty that the Coalition against the Guti led by Utu-khegal had in the Tribe of Nahor, the grandfather of Abraham. Nahor conceived Terah, who lived the foundation of the New Kingdom of Ur by Nammu, and Abraham, his son, lived under the reign of Shulgi, which he left because the self-divinization of the son of Nammu.

Hunger became a regional fever during Abraham’s wandering days, which we can relate to the war of the kings, in love with fire, burning harvests and forests for the sake of victory over their opponents. A process which kept going on from Abraham to the days of Isaac, and as it did not find a stop it became harder and harder until we find the sons of Israel emigrating from the Middle East.

The space of time who received Jacob and his sons, according to the Hungers suffered by the region, goes from Mentuhotep III (2010–1998 BC) to Senusret I (1971-1926 BC), and it is from this days, intervening the Hyksos in between the XXth Century BC and the XVIth, that the Hebrews lived under the rule of the Pharaohs. Taking this space of time as the real ground where History took place, we can affirm that was not an Egyptian Pharaoh who ordered the destruction of the Hebrew male children, but one of the Hyksos kings. It was not an Egyptian Pharaoh who was drawn under the waters of the Red Sea, but the last of the Hyksos King. This way we find that Israel saved the life of Egypt by the hand of Joseph, and again saved Egypt by the hand of Moses.

The Fall of the Hyksos and the Resurrection of Egypt’s Freedom having had place in the middle of the Sixteenth Century BC, the absolute lack of writing evidence it is due to the old Egyptian mania of erasing the memory of their no-good kings. So much for the memory of the Hyksos.

This lack of evidence the Great Historians of the Ancient Middle East used as excuse to give not Credit to the Bible. They had given the Bible very much Credit by admitting the existence of those kingdoms and legends during the XVIIth Century and beginnings of the XIXth Century A.D. by the entire scientist community denied. They could not go further. And what is more complex, they could not dive. Well, they could swim. But to dive deep in the waters of the Red Sea searching for the Army of the Last of the Hyksos King ... And yet there is Pharaoh and his army waiting for another Schliemann.

Let’s turn now to the Life of Moses.




Moses was eighty years old when he introduced himself to the court of the last pharaoh of the Hyksos Dynasty. The fall of the last of the Hyksos kings has been dated around the 1550 BC, which gives us about the year 1670 BC for the birth of Moses. The fall of the Hyksos Dynasty brought back to the throne of Egypt its legitimate heir, Ahmose I, the first king of the Eighteen Dynasty. As the Fall of Jericho IV occurred around the same date, 1550 BC, we have to assume that the Exodus’ date is right, though the logical inaccuracy due to the imperfect means at our disposal for the reconstruction of ancient historical times have to be bore in mind. The fact that Jericho IV was dead for a long time after its destruction by the Hebrew Army under Joshua’s leadership tell us that 1550 BC as the date for the Exodus is right. A later date for Exodus, History would not hear of it. The chaos in which fell the Middle East during the XIII century BC as an effect of the destruction of the Hittite Kingdom by the Greeks of the Iliad, and the subsequent and natural invasion of Palestine by the same hordes of conquerors, acting as the Philistines of the Scripture, these facts make impossible the Exodus taking place under such circumstances. The Fall of the Hyksos kingdom and the Fall of Jericho IV got to be located in time as beginning and end of Moses’ Gesta. Moses lived 120 years, and left this world around the 1510 BC.

Once Moses came down from the Mountain, God gave Moses one of His sons "not of this Creation" to lead him and protect him. This son that God gave Moses to accompany him through the forty years ahead, he had the name of God Himself, Yahweh, and he used to speak with Moses as brother to brother. That son of God, he who had the name of His Father in Heaven, sat with Moses and told him this History:


Cristo Raúl Y&S.